Tom Claytor is a bush pilot and a writer. His passions are flying, mountaineering, polo and whitewater kayaking. He believes these passions are similar in that you are being gentle with a wild thing, and that you don't win by force, but by finesse. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and grew up on a small farm in Radnor. His grandmother, Mary Ingersoll, was a pilot and bred race horses. He started flying at age 18 and started playing polo in Kenya at age 23. Tom received a B.A. (major in Physics) from Colby College in Waterville, Maine and was awarded an IBM Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to fly in Africa. As a Fellow of The Explorers Club in New York City, Tom set off to fly around the world in 1990 in a Cessna 180 aircraft. There is a National Geographic Special "Flight Over Africa" which follows his journey through Africa. He also appeared in the feature film "First Flight." In 2000, he set up the Timmissartok Foundation to support individuals with adventurous projects in foreign countries that help broaden the horizons and develop the characters of those individuals. Tom has flown through 70 countries on his expedition. He carries two polo sticks in the back of his plane and enjoys landing on polo fields and playing polo with the Black Dog Polo team when he can. Tom doesn't believe that polo need be limited to horseback. Tom's journey can be followed on his webpage -

Polo Magazine Article
Polo Quarterly Magazine Article
Polo Times Article
Polo and More Article

Everest Expedition 2010

Tom was an honored guest on the Mongolian Camel Polo Team - Dalanzadgad, Gobi Desert - February 2008