Polo Professionals associated with ARGENTINAPOLO.COM
Gustavo Yañez - 4 Goal Handicap. Born in Villa Dolores, Argentina. He is the owner of Don Pepe Polo Farm. He has played polo in Europe, America and Asia. He speaks Spanish, English, German and Thai. He is a father of two and helped develop polo in Thailand. He was the manager of Siam Polo Park and he is now the polo manager for the VR Polo Club. His passion is training horses for polo and teaching others to play polo. His father, Pepe, brought polo to the village of Villa Dolores, and now they pride themselves in producing very fine polo ponies for sale all over the world. Director and Advisor to -- |
Federico Bachmann - 5 Goal Handicap. Age 36 (in 2004) from Venado Tuerto. He has been playing 20 years professionally, most recently in Palm Beach, NY, and Richmond, Virginia. Federico's greatest mentor was Hector Borrantes (8 goal Argentinian), because "he taught me to read the game, rather than follow, and to use my head, not my body." Federico's main tactic in polo is to keep possession of the ball. "Hold it and pass, don't just hit it away to the other team. Even if you have a clean shot down field, wait for your team to get into position. "To get into position on attack, move away from the man marking you; this is what Cambiaso does. In hitting, lean out onto the ball. Keep your body on the saddle. Don't get up and out. He feels that Adam Snow (USA 10 goal player) is a "student of the game," and Federico's dream is to reach his top. Federico is one of the finest and most articulate polo teachers we have ever seen. He is fluent in English and Spanish. Director and Advisor to -- |
Nicolas "Nico" - 4 Goal Handicap. Age 20 (in 2008). Polo manager of Nusantara Polo Club in Jakarta, Indonesia -- -- Nico is from the town of Parana in Entre Rios, Argentina. He started polo at age 11 and was taught by his father, Gabriel, who was a 4 goal professional in USA. He used to play polo on bicycles which was good for making strong legs, keeping the eye on the ball, and for timing. He feels the most important part of polo is to look behind and see where everyone is, check your horse on the ball, and then pass to the stick stirrup of your teammate. His favorite polo refran: Don't look at the ball, look at the men (no mires la bocha, mire el hombre). In Argentina, he has played 20 goal polo, which taught him the secret is to think of the "future play." His favorite players are Cambiaso, because of the things he does with the ball, and Nero, because of how he rides and how he thinks on the field. Favorite shot is a good neck shot. Nico speaks fluent English. He has played in UK, USA, Thailand. His dream is for Nusantara Polo Club to be the friend of all the polo clubs in Asia, |
Nicolas "Pepperoni" Pieroni - 3 Goal Handicap. Age 20 (in 2003). Born in Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina. He has been playing polo for 11 years and his favorite position is number 4. His objective is to work to become a high-goal player. His philosophy about polo is "mas importante juega con el cabeza. Pensando antes pegarle a la bocha." Nicolas speaks Spanish and English. In 2012, Nicolas was appointed the Polo Manager of Paisano Polo Academy in Singapore. Director and Advisor to -- |
Marcos DiPaola - 8 Goal Handicap. Age 31 (in 2006) from Buenos Aires. He started playing polo at the age of 5, and he has played in Palermo 60-80 times. His father, Gustavo, was a great teacher who started polo at age 30, so Marcos and he father were "tempted" and really learned the game together. Marcos, his brother and his father started Magual Polo Club (Marcelo-Gustavo-Alejandro) together. He loves the off-side straight shot, and the secret is "look at the ball" (there is no other secret). His favorite ideal is "be patient," because he lacks this, and he has to work on it. His favorite refran: "always in polo, you have the opportunity to win the game." The secret is to know the moment and to achieve it. This game always gives you a chance to win. One of the things that Marcos' father taught him was that you have to work hard always before you want things to happen. Have fun, but work on improving. Practice stick and ball, and spend the time! |
Lucas Lujan - 4 Goal Handicap. "Siempre caballero en la cancha" is his favorite refran from his father, Oscar. Lucas has worked in Thailand and UK. He is a strong and fluid player. He started playing polo when he was 9, and he is now 25 (in 2007). His favorite player is Cambiaso, and his philosophy about polo is "jugar polo pensando." He wants to reach 5 goals in his career, and his greatest teacher is his father. Lucas will be working at VR this season. Director and Advisor to -- |
Ramiro "Churo" Pellegrini - Player & Vet - 1 goal handicap. Age 25 year (in 2005). He was born in Salta (N.W. Argentina) and completed Vet school in Rio Cuarto, Cordoba. He became a vet because of his interest in watching other vets on his farm care for animals. "I wanted to learn the picardia of healing and caring for animals," he said. He feels that horses are a noble animal, and if you look in the eye, you can see the attitude of the horse. He feels that the most challenging part of being a vet is explaining to the owner that the horse should stop. Churo likes polo, because in this sport, the horse is more special than the player. You can be Cambiaso, but if the horse is not good, you cannot play 100%. One of his greatest joys is watching the horses that love to play polo. They play with their heart. His advice to polo players is "try not to stop" and "don't turn the head hard." His dream for the moment is "tener mi lugar donde trabajar tranquilo" (have people trust me and my advice and gain confidence). Churo speaks Spanish and English. He is now the General Manager at Polo Escape in Thailand. |
Daniel Yañez - Player & Vet - 1 Goal Handicap. Daniel is Veterinarian from Villa Dolores, Argentina. He is currently the Acting Polo Manager at VR Polo Club in Thailand taking care of over 160 polo horses. His favorite refran: "En el punto mas oscuro de la noche es cuando empiesa a amanecer." He speaks Spanish and English. He is the inventor of the "Yanez Ice Boot" for cooling down horses tendons after polo. |
Agustin Andrada - 3 goal Handicap. Agustin comes from Rio Cuarto in Argentina. He is the great grandson of Argentina Olympic Gold medal winner Paisano Andrada who won the Palermo Open 6 times. Agustin has been playing in Argentina and Thailand. In 2012, he will go to work as manager at Tang Polo Club in China. Agustin speaks English well and teaches that to hit the ball well, you must brush the grass twice before you hit to guage the position of the mallet, then swing slowly with the arm straight and follow through. If you bend your arm, you are swinging too hard. Agustin works with his brother Juan and father Canchi on Paisano Polo Farm breeding horses -- |
Roman Rampello - 3 Goal Handicap. Age 25 (in 2012) from Rosario, Argentina. Started polo at age 11 in the Jockey Club. He played for 4 years in Rosario, then was given a break by Adolfo Cambiaso and hired to work as his groom at age 15. After 3 weeks, Cambiaso admired his riding skills and asked him to be a rider (called "piloto") and ride the 3 year old horses. He now has his own 17 hectare farm in Roque Perez (30 km from Lobos) called "El Capricho" (whim), where he and his father breed and raise polo horses. Roman lived on his farm for one year without light, because he had put all his money into the farm. He has worked for Cambiaso in UK for 3 seasons. He has played in Dubai, Italy, France, Uk, Columbia, Nigeria and is now the manager at Korea Polo Club. His favorite shot is "Toque Corto" (the short touch) which is very good for teaching a young horse. The most important thing in polo he learned from Cambiaso -- "tienes que desesperarte para dar un pase" (you have to be desperate to give a pass). This is the art of polo. He has horses for sale and is on his farm in Argentina from Sep-Apr -- |
Adolfo "Gusy" Casabal - 4 goal Handicap. Gusy comes from Pilar, Argentina. He started playing at age 5. His favorite player is Cambiaso; his favorite shot is the tail. His best teacher is life: "I've learned the hard way." Polo has taught me feeding my kids. Gusy left Argentina in 2002 when things went wrong, and polo changed his life. Gusy was never a professional, but he worked as a professional polo player for 6 years in UK and now he is Polo manager of Ham Polo Club in London -- -- Gusy is a gifted team leader and excellent polo instructor. His way of articulating game tactics is inspirational. During the King's Cup 2008 when Captaining the USA team, he reminded his team, "you have to give the ball kisses" (to remind them to have a hard grip, swing slowly and follow through). He also says, "hit all the hits," and "tranquilo." "If in doubt on attack, go for it; on defense, don't." "Our only way to win, is to beat our man." "Most important of all, enjoy the game." "It's all about the riding." |
Martin Roman - 4 goal Handicap. Martin comes from Rosario in Argentina. He is 34 years old (in 2012) and is working as a professional at Ham Polo Club in London. He started playing polo at age 8. His favorite shot is the neck shot. He thinks the most important part of polo is learning how to control the horse with the legs. His father Cesar was his best teacher and taught him how to twist and not put power on the swing. "Don't push it." His favorite player is Ernesto Trot who is a very solid player and his greatest inspiration. He likes to play back and control the team. Martin is starting a club in Rosario where they have about 30 horses for sale -- |
Rodrigo Zabala - 1 Goal Handicap. Age 21 (in 2011). Born in Villa Dolores, Cordoba. His favorite player is Juan Martin Nero, because when he plays the game, he makes it look easy. His favorite shot is "under the neck." Rodrigo is currently working as a polo professional in Thailand. He has also played in USA and Korea. He learned polo at age 14 with his family and friends. His objective is to reach 5 goals and to work in polo around the world. Rodrigo is a very pleasant person to work with and speaks English -- |
Tomas Ussher - 4 goals Handicap (in 2012). Works in Holland at Vreeland Polo Club near Amsterdam. He comes from Cordoba, Argentina. His best teacher was Juan Rodriguez 9 goals. The most important thing in polo is "patience" - with patience, you have everything (con paciencia tenes todo). His favorite shot is the nearside backhand. His favorite player is Juan Martin Nero, because he has timing and patience. He has been in Europe since 1993 where he plays for 5 months -- |
Horacio Etcheverry - 6 Goal Handicap (in 2012). His best teacher was his father Raul. First the man, then the ball. He comes from Laboulaye, Cordoba. His philosophy about polo is "always play to win." His favorite shot is to "hit in the air"... when I can. He plays at Guards in the UK and in Italya. He was on the Argentina National Team in 1998 and won the FIP World Cup in USA -- |
Juan Manuel Echeverz - 7 Goal Handicap. Age 23 (in 2002). Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His family owns El Agua Blanca Farm in Cordoba with horses and cattle. He has one sister. He has his Agronomic Engineering degree from University of Salvador. His father was a 7 Goal player who played in Palermo Open in 1975 and 1977. Juan started playing polo at age 5, and he has played in Argentina, Columbia and Thailand. His philosophy for polo is "fun and guts (juegos)." He says, "if you take your eyes off the ball to see the goal, then you are never going to get one." He also likes the refran - "caballo lerdo, estribo largo; caballo ligero, estribo corto" (slow horse, long stirrups; fast horse, short stirrups). He wants to travel and play polo. He is currently training horses on his farm and playing in Argentina. |
Santos Anca - 6 Goal Handicap. Santos is from Coronel Suarez, Argentina - La tierra de Sebastian Harriot. His family has a farm and he loves polo "porque naci en el campo" (he was born in the country). Santos started playing polo at age 8, and he likes to use his abilities "to play for the patron." On the field, he believes, "Llegar, Pensar, Pegar" (arrive, think, hit... in that order). His goal is to get his handicap up to 7 goals. He speaks Spanish very well and is currently working at the Siam Polo Club in Thailand. |
Eduardo Anca - 5 Goal Handicap. Eduardo is from Lujan, Buenos Aires. He is 24 (in 2006) and his favorite proverb is "persevera y triunfaras" (keep going and you will succeed). His favorite player is Cambiaso, because he is the most powerful player on the field. His father taught him the most about polo and about care and understanding of the horse, and he has been playing with his elder brother Santos since he was age 8. His favorite shot is the open backhand. His goal in life is to enjoy and to go somewhere in polo. His advice for polo players is "pensar y jugar despierto" (think and be awake). |
Juan Jose Brane - 7 Goal Handicap. Age 4 (in 2012). Juan comes from Colonel Suarez and started playing polo at age 12. His teacher was Sergio Fryssinett who taught him "how to walk on the field" (como caminar la cancha) and how to be in the good position. His favorite proverb come from his father: "for polo and for life, you have to know you limitations." He won the Copa Republica five times (this cup, every club in Argentina participates to send 1 team) . His favorite shots are neck shot and nearside back (most effective shot). His rules for hitting: "don't force the swing," and for riding: "be elegant on the saddle." He also won one time Camara de Diputados (24-31 goals) which is the 4th biggest tournament in Argentina and played during Palermo in the morning. Juan played for La Irenita in Palermo in early 2000's. He has played in China, Europe, Dubai, Brazil, Venezuela. He is married with 3 children. His dream is to spend more time with his family and his dad. Estancia San Jose, PoBox 7540, Colonel Suarez, c.c.64 -- |
Nacho Gonzalez - 6 Goal Handicap. Age 36 (in 2012). He comes from Ascot area in England. His best teacher was Gabriel Donoso, who taught him the relationship with the horse. It is important to use your team; not an individual sport. His favorite shot is the nearside back. He plays in UK and has traveled to China, Dubai, Thailand, Australia, USA. His favorite tournament is the Queens Cup. -- |
Marcos Araya - 6 Goal Handicap. Age 25 (1n 2012). He was born in Colonel Suarez. His favorite teacher was his dad, Benjamin. His favorite shot is Neck shot. The most important thing in polo is how to sit on the horse and riding the horse. You have to squeeze with the knees and use your legs to turn, not the hands. This allows you to go with the horse. His most exciting tournament is the Queens Cup and the Gold Cup in UK. He has played in UK, USA, China, Italy, Russia. His focus is breeding and playing the season in Buenos Aires. His favorite refran: "Quien a sus padres desobedece, tarde o temprano penas padece" (if you don't do what your father says, sooner or later, you will realize, he was right). Try to learn as much as you can from your grandfather (Horacio). -- |
Nacho Figueras - 6 Goal Handicap. Age 35 in 2012. He comes from Vienticinco De Mayo (2.5 hours SW of Buenos Aires). His favorite shot is nearside back. He things everything is important in polo, but maybe "man first" is most important. He played Copa Republica 3 times, and won once. His favorite proverb "el cielo es el limite" and he wants more people to play polo -- |
Pablo Yanzon - 3 Goal Handicap. Born 13/5/78 in San Juan, Argentina. Pablo has completed 3 years of 5 at University National of San Juan in Business. He speaks Spanish and English, and he has worked in Thailand (3 yrs) and England (1 mos). His hobbies are Travel and Golf. His philosophy for polo is to play with his heart. He wants people to enjoy playing polo. He likes to win, but the object is to be happy. His favorite shot is the nearside open "tap." His goal is to be a 6-goal player and run a polo business. |
Gonzalo Yanzon - 4 Goal Handicap. Born in San Juan, Argentina. Gonzalo has played in Europe, Arabia, Asia, and Argentina; he speaks fluent Spanish and English. Gonzalo has a passion for polo and plays extremely well. his strengths are his enthusiasm for the game, and his effective and cheerful way of communicating with his students to teach them about riding and playing polo. He is available to travel to any club in the world to coach players, school horses or manage a club. He also has his own horses in Germany that he could bring to a club for his use as a member of a team. |
Pascual Massagli - 2 Goal Handicap. Pascual was born in Mendoza. He is 21 years old (in 2005) and the only child in his family. He started to play polo when he was 14 years old. One of his greatest teachers was Cristian Guevara who taught him to feel the movement of the horse without looking at it. His favorite player is Cambiaso, and his philosophy for polo which comes from his father is "juga como vas sabes" (play the way you know). Pascual's favorite horse is the one with a strong heart. Pascual is a very keen ball tapper, and can keep the ball in the air about 90 taps (on foot) and about 7-8 taps when on the horse. He loves "Folklore" music and the Argentine game of "Pelota Paleta." Pascual speaks very good Spanish and is learning English. |
Juan Manuel Andrada - 2 goal handicap. Juan is 21 (in 2005) studying to be a Veterinarian at Universidad Nacional Rio Cuarto. He started playing polo when he was 12. He loves to play #3 or #4, and his best shot is the backhander. His favorite teacher was his father Canchi who was president of Rio Cuarto Polo Club, and he taught him to "intimidar al contra" (intimidate the opposition). Juan also feels it is very important to "mirar jugada y jugar pensando" (look the play and play the thought). Juan loves to Nachi Heguy (for his "mucha fuerze, garra") and Cambiaso (for his "talento"). His dream is to play an important cup in Argentina (like "La Bandera") with his father, his little brother (Agustin), and his friend "Pepperoni" (Nicolas Pieroni). His favorite Refran: "no por madrugar se amanece mas temprano." This means "pensando y paciencia" (thinking and patience) are important. Juan lives on his family horse farm - "Finca El Paisano" in Rio Cuarto where they keep about 30 polo ponies. |
Marcos Villanueva - 6 Goal Handicap. Age 29 (in 2006) from Buenos Aires. His father, Guillermo, taught him "riding and tactics." His favorite shot is the penalty shot. It is nothing, focus on the ball, don't look at the goal post, but pick an imaginary spot between the posts then "only ball." Focus on the man, then the ball. If you are on the field by yourself (on defense), then you don't know how to play polo. He plays in Houston, USA and for Gary Roubin in Jackson Hole (jul/aug). His favorite player is Bautista Heguy; he is the same as Cambiaso, but more as a team. |
Simon DiPaola - 3 Goal Handicap. Age 24 (in 2007) from Buenos Aires. He is a student at Ditella University majoring in Business Economics. His favorite refran: mejor pajaro en mano que cien volando. His best teacher was his brother, Marcos, who taught him how to ride by "feeling the horse." He loves polo because it has taught him about competition and life - "you have to fight for what you want." His favorite shot is "Cola" (tail), and his favorite player is Cambiaso; "we are watching the best." He wants to combine his passion for polo with business in the future. Their family farm is Magual Farm -- His email -- |
Santiago Lujan - 2 Goal Handicap. Age 18 (in 2008). Born in Villa Dolores. His favorite shot is under the neck. His favorite player is Cambiaso, because of the way he plays. He learned polo from his father, Oscar, and most importantly he learned from his father, "siempre caballero en la cancha" (always be a gentleman on the field.... y afuera tambien...). He started playing at 11 years old. His object is to be a 5-6 goal player and to play professionally. He speaks Spanish and is learning English. |
Lucas Talamoni - 6 Goal Handicap. Age 28 (in 2008). Lucas has recently played 120 games during a 5 month season in UK. He was born in Buenos Aires. His best teacher was his father, who was not a professional, but 3 goal and played as a hobby. Lucas feels the most important points in polo are riding and to have fun. His favorite shot is "tapping the ball." He started playing at the age of 5 and turned pro at age 22. His advice for other players is "never lose the spirit and the fun." He says that he only works with patrons that pay him to play to have fun. He is fluent in English. His favorite refran: "vamos a tomar unos mates." |
Matias Orlando - 2 Goal Handicap. Age 22 (in 2007) from Villa Mercedes (near San Luis). His favorite shot is Off-side open back. His favorite Refran: "No por nucho madrugar se amanece mas temprano." He learned the most about polo from Quique Lorenzo who taught him to "put huevo into the polo field." Matias is a 4th year Vet student in Argentina (he has 2 more years of school). He wants to make a living off of polo. He is fluent in Spanish and English, and his girlfriend Marina Vasca is from Cordoba and plays polo too. His favorite player is Bautista Heguy because "he is complete." His riding and shots are the best. He is almost alone on the field. |
Santiago "Santy" Galland - 2 Goal Handicap. Age 20 (in 2012) from Chivilcoy, Argentina (about 2 hours S.W. of Buenos Aires). Started playing polo at age 10. His father, Hugo, was his best teacher and taught him to play "cuerpo caliente, mente fria" (Hot body, cool mind). Santy's favorite shot is the neck shot. His favorite player is Juan Martin Nero. This is his first time in Asia. He has played in USA, UK, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. His best tournament was the Prince of Wales at Hurlingham. |
Diego Mignola - 1 Goal. He comes from Villa Maria, in Cordoba. Heis best teacher was Cuati Ramos (te parte como un queso). He feels the objective of a polo player should be to play in a quiet relaxed manner, so you enjoy the game. He holds a degree in Agro Business and he hopes polo will allow him to travel. |
Joaquin Arrieta "Nyata" - 0 Goal Handicap. Age 26 (in 2007) from Villa Dolores. Now working at the Project Pilot at Polo Escape in Thailand. He is fluent in Spanish and English. His favorite shot is the nearside back. He loves the wisdom from the Terramoto Santos Anca "Llegar, Pensar, Pegar" (arrive, think, hit... in that order). His early teacher was Negro Focaccia who taught him how to be in the saddle, how to turn (rein back, outside leg on the horse, then weight shift). He is 3rd year of Law School (with 3 more to go). His dream is to live off of polo. His favorite player is Cambiaso, because he is "different" and plays outside of the polo rules. He loves Ferrier work, because it is hard and interesting. His great mentor is Pedro Pechar (the famous Argentinean Ferrier who studied in USA and opened the first Ferrier School in Argentina). He learned from Pedro that the "Horse has 5 hearts -- one in the chest and one in each hoof." This stresses the hoofs ability to assist with circulation and the importance of proper Ferrier work. Pedro is a man with Big Hands and a Big Heart, because he has a passion for his work and has helped so many people to learn. |
Federico Javier Rosales - 1 Goal Handicap. Age 19 (in 2003) his family owns 2R Farm in Villa Dolores, Cordoba. He has been playing polo since age 7. His dream is to live from polo. "The sport is healthy; you are with the nature; you have to concentrate, and being on a team makes strong friends." His favorite refran is "si no estas en la jugada, no puedes verlo" (if you're not in the play, don't talk). His father, Carlos, taught him, "don't be too strong with the horse; if you are feeling good with the horse, you can play more." It is very important to squeeze with the knees, like a box, to hit well. "si no estas bien afirmado, no puedes pegar un buen golpe." Gustavo Yañez taught him in his first championship how to "morder la oreja" (bite the ears) of the big players. Even if they are better than you, it is important to try. He speaks Spanish and English, he is one of the finest teachers of the art of "stick and ball." |
Marco Focaccia - 2 Goal Handicap. Born 15/8/76 in Villa Dolores, Argentina. His family owns La Agustina Polo Farm. Marco has completed University in Cordoba with a Law degree. He speaks Spanish and English. He worked for several years in Thailand as the Polo Manager at Siam Polo Park. His hobbies are water-skiing and photography. His philosophy for polo is to play for the team and to play correctly. His goal is to make a living from polo and to farm cattle and horses. His favorite shot is "take it around." |
Agustin Lorea - Agustin is from Cordoba, Argentina. He is 4 goals and started playing when he was 8 years old. He is now 18 (in 2009) and he has learned the most from his father Federico. His favorite shot is under-the-neck. He has played professionally in Thailand and other parts of the world. |
"Filly" Federico von Potobsky - Federico is a 6 goal player from Villa Dolores, Argentina. He is 18 years old (in 2006) and his favorite Refran: "Puchero que tenes papas" (when you something so beautiful, or so strong, this is the moment! adrenaline!) He speaks English and Spanish. His best teacher was Pepe Yanez. He taught him how to ride a young horse: if you turn left or right with the young horse (age 3 years) and it learns in 2-3 times, then it will be a good horse. If it does not learn, then it is not a good horse. His "cuati" picardia: under the neck shot, then check, play to the side... if the man on the right, then take the man, and play near side; if the man on the left, then take the man, and then take the ball to the right. His dream is to play professional polo, and his favorite player is Bautista Heguy. |
Facundo Castagnola - 6 Goal player from Argentina. He learned polo from Cambiaso. The most important thing he learned is how to tell what is a good horse. His goal in polo is to improve all the time. His favorite proverb, "nada es imposible." |
Marcelo "Pete" Araya - 5 Goals. From Coronel Suarez, Argentina. Marcelo's uncle is Haracio Araya who is now 72 years old and plays off 4 goals. Horacio previously won the Open and reached 9 goals. Marcelo's best teachers were Benjamin Araya and Eduardo Novillo Astrada. The most important thing in polo is to play as a team, to play easy, and always to know what is happening on the field and where the other 7 players are. This way, you will know what to do when you reach the ball. Marcelo is now managing "La Aguada" in Open Door, Argentina. They play polo there everyday. Marcelo's favorite proverb "disfruta la vida" (life is only once). |
Miguel Angel Diaz - 4 Goals. From Pilar, Argentina. His best teacher was Angel Diaz (his father). He feels the most important part of polo is to take care of the horses before everything. His favorite proverb (dicho favorite): "mas vale pajaro en mano que padre a los 18." His objective is to make a living from polo and horses - |
Diego Gomez - 1 Goal. From Laboulaye (Cordoba). His favorite shot is offside in the air. His best teacher was Horacio Etcheverry. He wants to be a 10 goal player. His favorite proverb, "a lo con lata." |
Fernando Rivera - 3 Goals. From Cordoba, Villa Maria. He started learning polo at age 7 from his father. His favorite shot is under-the-neck, and his favorite player is Bautista Heguy (because of how he rides). He has played in Columbia, Italy, Portugal, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and Polo Escape in Thailand. He is 27 years old (in 2016) and he believes the most important part of polo is to "control the game" and use angle shots. -- |
Ariel Ponzi - 1 Goal. From General Levalle, Argentina. Favorite shot is to hit offside. His best teacher is Fernando Lorea who taught him "ser educado en y fuera de la cancha." |
Franco Penizzotto - 2 Goal Handicap. Age 21 (in 2003). Born in San Juan, Argentina. He is an electrical engineering student at San Juan University. He speaks Spanish and English fluently and is learning to speak German. He plays polo, because he enjoys making friends. His strategy for playing is "to play hard (con huebos), but not lose the mind." Franco learned to play polo from his father. He says, "use the tap, when you need; it gives you more time to make the good shot." His favorite shot is the offside forehand open. He is based in Argentina and welcomes the opportunity to travel and play abroad. He also has experience accompanying horses being exported from Argentina. |
Juan Manuel Roman - 4 Goal Handicap. Age 31 (in 2006) from Rosario, Argentina. Favorite shot is "whatever I can hit." Best teacher is Lolo and Cambiaso, who he spent 9 years working for. His favorite refran: "you have to be yourself in polo" (se tu mismo en polo). You have to be patient. |
Eduardo Benavidez - Cordoba, Argentina. Many years of experience with polo -- |
Canchi Andrada - Gaucho, Journalist, Musician & 2 goal handicap from Rio Cuarto, Argentina. He is president of the Rio Cuarto Polo Club and has been playing polo for 25 years. His passion for polo came from his father and his grandfather. His grandfather, Manuel Andrada El Paisano, was a 9 goal player who was on the world champion Argentina polo team at the 1936 Berlin Olympics and who also won the Argentine Open six times. Canchi's father was a polo coach in Spain, Columbia, England and Brasil. Canchi feels the most important tactic in polo is to play as a team. It is the heart and head of the other players that gives the spirit to the game. |
Philip Elliot - 4 goal Handicap (previously 6 goal). Professional polo coach. Playing polo for 31 years. 25 years making horses in Brazil. Born in UK started riding at age 13 and raised as a horseman. He feels "you have always got something to learn from the horse, because every one is different." He believes use of the legs is vitally important - "more legs, less rein" - as the legs don't hurt the horse. He never wears spurs. Philip was the coach for the Silver medal Singapore polo team in the 2007 SEA Games in Thailand. His tactic of coaching is to try to fix individual players shortcomings. He coached the 14 goal UK team. He feels that polo is the game of the future, because it is a family sport. Polo has taught him how to deal with people. It is a "passport to the world," as Churchill said. "I go with the wind, and I take pride that I am a horseman." |
Hissam Ali Hyder "Namoo" - 4 Goal Handicap. Age 23 (in 2006) from Lahore, Pakistan. He lives 6 months in UK and three months in Argentina. His favorite shot is the nearside tap (both ways). He learned riding from John Horswell (in UK) and he taught him to ride a bit more forward (all muscles). Hissam is a very cool and solid player. He feels that if you don't need to yell, then don't. You must look at yourself first. If you are open, ask for the ball. Riding is the foundation of polo. Think about what is happening on the entire field. His father was 4 goals (not pro, just for fun). In Lahore, they have 3 fields and 400-450 horses in the club. They can mount 6 (14 goal) teams. polo is fun; enjoy the game. |
Bruno Zoppi - 0 Goal Handicap. Age 19 (in 2008) from Villa Dolores, Argentina. His favorite refran is "Ganar no es lo mejor es lo unico" (it is better to be yourself). His greatest teacher of polo was Federico von Potobsky who taught him to "pensar" (think) and keep possession of the ball. His favorite shot is the nearside forward shot. His dream is to be a 4 goal player and to work as a professional. He is fluent is Spanish and hopes to learn English. |
Pedro Ferrero - 2 Goal Handicap. Age 22 (in 2007) from Cordoba. His favorite shot is under the neck. His best teacher was Gonzalo Queto (famous aviator and polo player) who taught him to "get the man" and to hook. His favorite player is Lolo Castagnola because he admires his hard playing. His favorite refran: "Al que madruga Dios lo ayuda. (if you get up early, the God helps you). He wants to use polo to travel and work in his life. |
Martin Landa - 0 goal (in 2015) from Cordoba. Has a degree in Agronomic Engineering. Age 31. His best teachers were Agustin and Diego GomeZ. Now working as a polo professional at Polo Escape, Thailand -- |
Agustin Arestizabal - 2 goals (in 2015) comes from Laboulaye, Cordoba. His best teacher was his father, Roberto, who taught him: The most important thing in the sport of polo, is to be a gentleman. In 2015, he was working as manager at Polo Escape -- |
Syddall - 2 goals (in 2015) from Buenas Aires, Canuelas. He is 43 years
old. His best teacher was Santiago Gastambide, who taught him, "first man,
never look the ball before the man." He has worked at Teranganu in Malaysia.
He has also played in Europe. His father was his best teacher -- teaching
about the horse, his passion. His father was a "Jinete" (performance
gaucho). His father was also a pilot. He is the off season manager at Polo
Escape -- |
Matias de Olmes Ferrer - 3 goal handicap. Matias has played in Jordan, England and China. |
Lindor Movillo Corvalan - 5 goal handicap. From Cordoba, Argentina. |
Nachi Heguy - From La Pampa, North of Buenos Aires. 9 goals (in 2014) His best teacher was his father Alberto. He taught him "to win" and to have a positive attitude. He plays in Argentina, UK and Palm Beach. His favorite shot is Neck Shot. His favorite player to watch is Cambiaso "amazing" -- |
Temy Willington - From Entre Rios, Argentina. 7 goals (in 2014). His best teacher was Marcelo Monteverde who taught him to "play with the ball forward" and to "Be on the line, not on the side." He played in Argentina at Ellerstina for 7 years, Europe, Central America. "I want to see the world with my own eyes." His favorite refran "Con paciencia todo lo alcanza" (with patience everything comes) -- |
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Pancho Bensadon - From La Pampa. 8 goals (in 2014). His best teachers were his uncles Alberto and Horacio Heguy. The most important thing in polo is First Man, Second Ball -- Hit the ball the first time (don't tap it) -- Hit Backhands! His favorite player is Gonzalo Tanoira, because he is a good rider. He plays in Argentina and USA. He loves polo because it is a good lifestyle and passport to the world -- |
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Nacho Novillo Astrada - His best teacher was his Grandfather Julio. The most important things in polo are to Ride Well (practice) and to Watch the Ball. He is 9 goals (in 2014) and his favorite shot is Nearside Back. His favorite player is Juan Martin Nero who plays his same position, so he likes to watch and learn. Favorite refran: "No Hay Mal Que Por Bien No Venga." -- |
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Manuel Crespo - From Lujan, near Pilar. 7 goals (in 2014). His best teacher was his father, Felix, who taught him to "play until the last minute." He plays in Argentina. His favorite shot is the offside tail. He has played in 15-20 countries. His philosophy about polo is "pasar la bien" (have a good time) -- |
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Joaco Pittaluga - From Pilar. 7 goals (in 2014). His best teacher was his father George who taught him the love for horses. His favorite player is Cambiaso -- |
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Benjamin Urquiza - From Pergamino. 5 goals (in 2014). His best teacher was his father Alejandro, who taught him to "use my head" and to anticipate. He plays in Argentina and UK. His favorite shot is back tail shot. His favorite player is Nachi Heguy -- |
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Ale Agote - Alejandro comes from Buenos Aires. He is 8 goals (in 2014) and his best teacher was Memo Gracida who said, "the game is more in the head." Think first. His favorite player is Miguel Novillo. Favorite shot is the nearside back. He loves to play in Santa Barbara -- |
Daniel Padin - 0 goal handicap. Age 28 (in 2009). He comes from La Plata, Buenos Aires. He has worked in Soto Grande (Spain), St. Arnoult (France), England, Milano (Italy), Pattaya (Thailand) and played a Cup at Nusantara Polo Club in Indonesia. His favorite quote is: "En epocas de crisis los pesimistas lloran todo el dia y los optimistas venden panuelos" (in times of crisis pessimists cry all day and sell the optimists scarves). Daniel has Argentina Polo horses for sale and has his own website -- -- |
Federico Barbesi - Ferrier from Buenos Aires. Handicap -2. Age 26 (in 2008). Federico studied at Collegio Cardinal Copello. He spent 5 years studying the work of Ferrier, but he insists that he is "always learning more." He feels that the good work of the Ferrier can help the horse a lot. It is important to practice and important to have a good eye. He loves the adrenaline of polo, and he wants to learn the game more. His most important rule for polo that he has learned so far is "don't look at the man, take him -- and be aggressive." Federico is currently working in China at Nine Dragons Polo (under Tomy Lockey). He speaks English well and his dream is to have a small farm in Argentina. His favorite refran: "Al que le gusta el durazno que se aguante la pelusa" (who likes the peach, supports the hair on the fruit -- or something like that). |
German Viale - from Rio Cuarto, Argentina. German is 23 (in 2008) with passion for horses and the art of Jinetiada. German loves The Festival Nacional y Internacional de Doma y Folklore in the town of Jesus Maria. This festival has been going for 43 years now and it lasts for 10 nights starting on the first Friday of every January. The Caballos Criollos is the famous horse of Argentina that is used for herding cattle. German was introduced to this sport by "mi papa de corazon" and he follows it every year. He says that there are two ways to go to this festival -- either with a "Bota" (full of wine) or with a "Mate," but not with both. Also, you can either go to the festival with your girlfriend, or you can go "solo" -- because there are always many chicas at the festival. The festival is about the relation between the horse and the rider. The doma is the important ritual where the horse learns to be ridden. The most important thing is the patience. If you have confidence, then the horse will have confidence. You don't hit the horse. It is young; it takes time. To date, German has done the doma on about 80 horses. |
Marcelo Iraci - Vet - Marcelo is a Veterinary medicine professor. El es un gucho de 45 años, casado con dos hijos Ignacio (13) y Manuel (9). Recibido en la Universidad de Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina (en el año 1986) especializado en la Clínica Quirúrgica de los equinos y en estos momentos cursando el Doctorado en la Universidad de Córdoba España. Es una persona que quiere a los caballos al igual que su amigo y colega churo por ser un animal muy inteligente, que "suda" toda su potencia a la hora de brindar satisfacción. Es por ello que le dedica todo su profesionalismo y dedicaciòn. Un gaucho Thailandes gustoso de tener amigos. Direcciòn: Marcelo iraci, Pasaje yaraví 1476, Río Cuarto (5800), Córdoba, Argentina. |
Facundo Pieroni - Vet - No polo Handicap. Age 31 from Rio Cuarto, Cordoba. Studied Veterinary Medicine at University of Rio Cuarto (UNRC). He has worked 2 years (as of 2008) in Thailand and UK. He loves travel and work. He studied to be a vet so he could help animals. For him, the horse is the most noble creature. He speaks Spanish and medium English. He wants to work in another country. |
Julio Cesar Olmedo - Ferrier - Age 43 (in 2007). He is a specialist in shoeing polo horses. Born in Villa Dolores, he has worked 15 years as a Ferrier. Previously a racehorse trainer, he was interested in the importance and necessity of proper shoeing for horses. "Aplomo" is the conformation of the horses legs. Every horse has some small problem with their legs where they are born, but with the proper care, then can be corrected. This process starts at 11 months. At 2-3 years, you start shoeing and do the "Doma" on the horse. His favorite refran: "Dios alpreta pero no ahorca" (God grabs but doesn't choke). "My teacher is the horses," he says -- "El Caballo es mi vida." He speaks Spanish and can work anywhere in the world. His dream is that his 3 daughters will be happy. |
Name - goal handicap. Age |
Name - goal handicap. Age |
Martin Valent - 4 Goal Handicap. |
Gabriel Iglesias - 4 Goal Handicap. |
Santiago Estrada - 6 Goal Handicap. |
Gonzalo Fucci - 5 Goal Handicap. |
Gonzalo Bourdieu - 5 Goal Handicap. |
Ignacio Bilbao - 2 Goal Handicap. |
Jorge Fernandez Ocampo - Polo coach. Has coached Guatemala, India, Indonesia. Organizes polo for kids tournament in Argentina. Believes that the only way to improve polo in the world is to teach kids. | |
Patricio "Pato" Cieza - 2 Goal Handicap. Pato is 18 (in 2005). From Buenos Aires. Has worked 1.5 years with Cambiaso. "Polo is not play with the ball, but with the head. You have to know where to be." | |
Glindon "Tex" Webster - Club Captain and Coach at Perth Polo Club in Perth, Australia. |
Mark Emmerson - 3 Goal Handicap. Age 28 (in 2003). Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is a Veterinary student at Briston University in UK. He started playing polo at age 13. He is a 5th generation polo player. He has never thought not to play polo, because it is in his families blood. His tactics are to hit away from the best player on the opposing team. His goal is to be a high goal polo horse veterinarian. He respects the 10 goal player and vet Alberto Pedro Heguy, Sr. very much. He feels that a good polo horse vet also knows how to "treat the horse's owner." He believes the polo horse is 90 - 95% of the game. He is based in England working as a polo professional while he completes his Veterinary degree. |